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4.8 ( 368 ratings )
開発者 Nusrat Rabbee

Let’s tap into our imaginations for a moment as we get started. I want you to think of a time where you “needed”. As vague as that is, stay with me for a moment. Maybe you “needed” a break. Perhaps you “needed” a word of encouragement. Maybe you’ve been up all night with your beautiful, but restless newborn, and you “needed” something to help calm your nerves and relax your mind. You look at the clock, realize the hour, and start thinking hard… too hard, about how to satisfy your needs.

It’s too late at night to call a friend, a counselor, or perhaps a loved one; someone who could give you words of encouragement, a soothing story, or a stern reality check.

In this digital age we dwell in, the beauty of satisfying our needs is that it’s in the palm of our hands. You each likely have one, as its an integral part of life now: your mobile device. Your smartphone, tablet, or laptop has become a lifeline for you and even now, in your moment of need, you can find that relaxation, that encouragement, and even that break, with WiseTalk24.

Developed with those “in need” in mind, WiseTalk24 was made with wellness in mind; but it’s far from a niche application. Within WiseTalk24, you’ll find the promotion of spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical health attached to a more holistic approach.

WiseTalk24 will provide wisdom for smart living and continual self-development by focusing on life experiences and observing real-life situations.

Perhaps one of our favorite aspects of WiseTalk24, is its inclusivity. The app truly is for everyone in all walks of life, culture, religion, and sexual orientation.

In addition to being for everyone, WiseTalk24 is available anytime. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days each week, , WiseTalk24 is aimed to provide digital tools for holistic living including motivational messages, the ability to set long and short term goals, and calming and relaxing music from all genres.

Think for a moment about how many times we’ve found ourselves in need of something that we couldn’t touch, eat, drink, hold, or see. In those moments, the things we need are intangible. They’re more ideals than they are things.

The end goal is simple: to provide uplifting content for those in need. However, we understand that our journeys toward positive self-image, and eliminating self-doubt, are long and difficult.

WiseTalk24 hopes to reach all communities worldwide, delivering them from damaging thoughts and low self-esteem while also providing universal messages of healing and inspirational wisdom to all.

With your help, WiseTalk24 can offer round the clock digital care to those in need. We hope to build a strong, worldwide, digital community through our app, where we support individuals to foster a positive mindset and become the best of version of them.

Please join us as WiseTalk24 looks to change the world for the better, all in the palm of your hand.